Foals of Ordina[FR] ( Northfields -Madina )
Year of Foal Desc Horse Wins Stakes Won (Rs)
1995 b g Direct Hit 19 1443625
1997 ch f Alocina 1 72100
1998 b g Extraordinary 4 459697
2002 b f Oh What A Babe 3 489802
2003 b f Julia 6 1357680
2004 b c Word To Word 2 271500
2005 ch c Prince of Elegance 0 26000
2006 b g Time Flies 7 2929951
2007 ch g The Mafia 10 1803400
The above data has been collated from the records maintained by the Stud Book Authority of India and is as on
31st July 2022. It does not include details of siblings abroad or Indian horses' performances abroad.